Who Should Be An UberEATS driver?

If you’re choosing between becoming an Uber driver and an UberEATS driver, which one is a perfect fit for you?

Here are some situations where you would want to be an UberEATS driver:

  • People who don’t want to deal with other people would make good UberEATS drivers because all you need to do is deliver food to customers.
  • People who already have food delivery experience. You’ll feel right at home but you’ll actually have more freedom as well.
  • People who want to drive for both UberX and UberEATS. This will allow you to stay busy for your entire day if you want.
  • People who don’t mind their car getting dirty or smelling like food. Spills can happen and the odor of food can stick.
  • If you’re a student, this is a good part time job because if people cancel their order, you can keep the food for free, which can be helpful especially for younger college students. It will also help pay for your classes.
  • Stay at home parents could use this as a part time job for a similar reason as students. Single income homes may not make enough to live comfortably, and anything extra that you can get is always beneficial.
  • People with full time jobs but still have extra time on their hands can take this as a part time job because it’s simple to do and the requirements to sign up are easy.
  • People who don’t have jobs and could use the money and possibility of free food should take this as a job as well. It is not recommended to take it as a full time job, though because the income will not be stable enough. Because the requirements are easy, nearly anyone can sign up.
  • People who just lost a job should take this job because you can earn enough money to last you until you find your next full time job.
  • People who need a car can rent a car for UberEATS. This allows you to pay off the rent as well as allow you to use the car for personal use.

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