Uber Is Launching Pre-Match And Re-Match At Airports

Uber is launching two new features for the Uber Driver app called Pre-Match and Re-Match which should reduce wait times and congestion airports.


Pre-Match is the “prediction” of the two new features. The feature is meant for drivers who are in the Staging Lot of the airport. How it works is it will attempt to predict when a ride request will occur at the airport terminal. When it predicts that a ride request will occur in a few minutes, it will prompt drivers to drive towards the airport terminals so that they can wait the minimal distance to a ride request and minimize idle time in the Staging Lot.

There may be times when Pre-Match predicts incorrectly and you will end up looping through the airport terminal without any ride requests. Although these times will be rare, if it does happen, go back to the Staging Lot. You will not lose your place in line and you will be prompted again when Pre-Match makes another prediction.


Re-Match is the “keep going” of the two new features. The feature is meant for drivers who just finished an airport dropoff. How it works is after you complete a dropoff at the airport, you must do a loop around the airport road. After doing so, you will not need to return to the Staging Lot and wait in line again. Instead, you will immediately be able to receive another ride request if available.

If there are no ride requests available, you will be prompted to return to the Staging Lot.

With these two new features, wait times will be cut significantly, the staging lot won’t have as many cars waiting, and drivers will be able to be more active and earn more money.

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