Uber Considering Giving Drivers Equity In The Company

Uber has met with the SEC to discuss giving Uber drivers equity in the company, a change that could increase its amount of drivers as well as driver loyalty.

It is widely known that driver morale is low due to the amount of scandals the company has had as well as issues with pay. This move is one of Uber’s attempts to improve the company’s relationship with its drivers.

While it is not guaranteed that the program will work, it still shows that Uber is taking steps to take care of its drivers, which can be appreciated.

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Uber Might Be Losing Ground To Grab In Southeast Asia

Grab, a taxi-hailing service and Uber rival in Southeast Asia, is expecting $2.5 billion in investments to help fund it’s growth in the region.

The company also intends to use the money to fund its mobile payments platform, GrabPay.  Grab is one of the largest ridesharing services in Southeast Asia, operating in 65 cities in the region with over 1.1 million drivers.

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Uber Sets $15 Charge To Return Items To Passengers

There are times when passengers would forget items in your Uber vehicle. It now costs them $15 to have it returned.

There were often times when Uber drivers would have to deliver forgotten items to a previous passenger’s location. Normally, you would think completing such an act deserves a tip, and sometimes, passengers would give a tip. Other times, however, drivers wouldn’t receive a tip because passengers aren’t required to tip for the extra service. This means that the Uber driver used their precious time and gas to return an item to the passenger for no reward besides knowing they returned a forgotten item.

Uber is correcting this by charging a mandatory $15 to passengers to return the forgotten item, allowing some compensation to the driver so that it doesn’t feel like a waste of time and gas. Passengers can still tip extra if they want to.

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Uber Releases 24/7 Phone Support Nationwide

As part of Uber’s 180 days of change, 24/7 phone support is now available for Uber drivers.

If you don’t want to deal with navigating your app to find a solution to your problems, you can now talk to a live support agent fast to help you find a solution right away.

To use this feature, follow these steps.

  1. Open your Driver app.
  2. Press the ACCOUNT tab.
  3. Select Help.
  4. Press the blue phone icon at the top right of your screen.
  5. Press Call Support.

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Uber Closes Pay Gap For Employees, Increases Wages Overall

Uber is closing the pay gap between it’s lowest and highest paid employees. They are also raising wages overall.

Reports state that the lowest wage earners for the company will be bumped up to the current median wage. Additionally, all employees in technical roles will benefit from a 10% wage increase. If a technical employee has a wage above the new median wage, they will receive a 5% wage increase, unless they’ve been an employee for at least 3 years. Finally, all employees will receive a 2.5% wage increase every year.

This is a great change for employees, but for a company that has hardly been profitable, what will the consequences be for the company itself  if it’s spending more money on it’s employees?

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Uber Sued Over Lack Of Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles

Uber was sued over its lack of wheelchair accessible vehicles by disability rights groups and wheelchair users in New York.

Uber has about 58,000 drivers in New York but it is said that fewer than 100 of these drivers have wheelchair accessibility. This has lead to very long wait times or non-existent rides for those on wheelchairs that need an Uber. Those who sued Uber say that this is a violation of human rights.

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The Former Uber Communications Executive Has Joined Facebook

Rachel Whetstone, a former high-profile executive of Uber, has joined Facebook 3 months after leaving Uber.

Whetstone was one of many executives to leave Uber after a scandal-ridden first half of the year. The primary reason she left was because of all the drama that was occurring at Uber.

She is now the Vice President of Communications for Facebook’s WhatsApp, Instagram, and Messenger divisions.

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Uber Is Matching Your Tips On July 18!

Uber is celebrating the availability of in-app tipping nationwide by matching every tip you get on July 18. This means 2x tips for the whole day!

Take advantage of this event by ensuring that your in-app tipping is activated. If it is enabled, every tip you get through the app will be doubled!

Since some people do not tip immediately, Uber is giving a 24 hour grace period after a trip is started to qualify for the 2x tipping event. This means that if you started a trip at 11:55 PM on July 18 and finished it at 12:30 AM on July 19, you will still get 2x the tip as long as the customer tipped you before 11:55PM on July 19.

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Uber Has Threatened To Shut Down Price-comparison App

Uber is threatening to shut down Ride Fair, an app that uses Uber’s application programming interface (API) to compare Uber’s prices with competitors  prices.

Normally, it is fine for an app or any other medium to compare prices between ridesharing companies, but the reason Uber threatened this one is because it uses Uber’s technology to compare them to another rideshare service.

When developers receive an API from either Uber or competitors, it is specifically stated that you are not to use their technologies to compare them to their rivals.

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