If My Uber Driver Rating Is Too Low, Will I Be Deactivated?

As an Uber driver, you should always have your driver rating in mind. You will be deactivated if it gets too low.

Your account will be deactivated if it goes below a 4.6 rating. Luckily, you can reactivate your account by taking courses to improve your rating. After your account is reactivated, try to maintain your ratings so the situation does not happen again.

If you need tips for being a successful Uber driver, click here for tips we give for beginners that can apply to you.

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If My Uber Account Gets Deactivated, Can I Reactivate It?

If your Uber account gets deactivated, it can be a frustrating experience for anyone. Luckily, this is not the end of the road for you.

Uber allows you to take courses that will increase your driver rating. Once you are above a 4.6 rating again, you can ask to have your account reactivated again. Once you are reactivated, take steps to make sure you are not deactivated again.

Click here for tips we give to beginners to make you a successful Uber driver.

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Can You Know An Uber Passenger’s Destination Beforehand?

When you’re accepting Uber trips, you may not want to give them a ride if their destination is too far for your liking. Can you see where they’re going ahead of time?

After you accept a ride request, you will only be able to see their location, but not their ride destination. You will only be able to see their destination after you hit start trip. Once you find out you either have to carry it out or cancel it.

To find out how to cancel a trip, click here

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How To Stay Safe As An Uber Driver

While driving for Uber, there’s a risk of picking up a dangerous person because there’s all kinds of people in the world and you’re picking up people at random.

To stay safe:

  • Make sure you have a double sided camera, one side facing the road, and one side recording the car interior
  • Let passengers know that they’re being recorded for your own safety
  • Before picking up people, observe their behavior, appearance, mannerisms, and make a judgement
  • Be aware of your surroundings
  • Bring pepper spray
  • Have a plan in case things go wrong
  • Make sure you don’t have valuables laying around
  • Don’t carry a lot of cash on your person in case you get robbed
  • Keep your tip jar in a position that is not easily accessible by passengers
  • Be nice to people, potential bad people may not want to do harm to people who treat them well

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Should I Cancel A Trip Or Have My Passenger Do it?

If you run into a situation where a trip needs to be cancelled, should you cancel it or should your passenger?

It depends on the situation. If you cancel the trip, it will affect your cancellation percentage and if that gets too low, you can be deactivated. If they cancel the trip, they will be charged a cancellation fee.

As a driver, for UberX, you should wait for at least 5 minutes before cancelling the trip. With UberPOOL, the wait time is 2 minutes. It may still affect your cancellation percentage but you will get paid the customer’s cancellation fee minus the Uber fee and you won’t waste your time. The other passengers for UberPOOL won’t have to wait as long a well.

When a passenger wants to cancel, make sure that they are the ones to cancel the trip, that way your cancellation percentage remains unaffected.

It might be beneficial to cancel a request when it’s difficult to reach the customer as well due to traffic or if it’s just a hard place to get to.

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Are Uber Drivers Independent Contractors?

Sometimes there’s confusion about whether Uber drivers are independent contractors or employees, but Uber drivers are in fact independent contractors.

The easy way to remember this is the fact that Uber drivers are labeled as “driver-partners”. Being called a partner shows that you are not actually an employee, but still are working with Uber.

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Who Should Be An Uber Driver?

If you’re thinking about becoming an Uber or UberEATS driver, which one is the perfect fit for you?

Here are some situations in which you may want to be an Uber driver:

  • If you’re a student, this would be a good part time job to take because it is flexible, all you need is a vehicle (if you’re under 23, be aware that you need at least 3 years of driving experience to qualify for Uber), and you could possibly find a job by networking with people during your trips
  • Stay at home parents could make this a part time job because it allows you to make some extra money after dropping your kids off at school. It is also just something to do if you have nothing else to do at home.
  • People with full time jobs but need a little extra income could take this as a part time job as well. There’s no commitments, allowing you to make extra money without having to go to a normal part time job. You can make your own schedule and work as hard as you want to to make extra money.
  • People who don’t have a job and need to make money fast can become Uber drivers, though it’s not recommended to make it a full time job. The requirements are easy so you don’t really need to worry about your qualifications very much. You can start your business up fast.
  • People who just lost their job can become Uber drivers. This allows you to make money to last you until you get your next job.
  • Retired people can become Uber drivers. Especially in today’s time, you can’t really depend on retirement money so anything extra helps a lot.
  • People who need a car can become Uber drivers by renting. You will be paying off the rent as well as being able to use the car for personal use.

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Who Should Be An UberEATS driver?

If you’re choosing between becoming an Uber driver and an UberEATS driver, which one is a perfect fit for you?

Here are some situations where you would want to be an UberEATS driver:

  • People who don’t want to deal with other people would make good UberEATS drivers because all you need to do is deliver food to customers.
  • People who already have food delivery experience. You’ll feel right at home but you’ll actually have more freedom as well.
  • People who want to drive for both UberX and UberEATS. This will allow you to stay busy for your entire day if you want.
  • People who don’t mind their car getting dirty or smelling like food. Spills can happen and the odor of food can stick.
  • If you’re a student, this is a good part time job because if people cancel their order, you can keep the food for free, which can be helpful especially for younger college students. It will also help pay for your classes.
  • Stay at home parents could use this as a part time job for a similar reason as students. Single income homes may not make enough to live comfortably, and anything extra that you can get is always beneficial.
  • People with full time jobs but still have extra time on their hands can take this as a part time job because it’s simple to do and the requirements to sign up are easy.
  • People who don’t have jobs and could use the money and possibility of free food should take this as a job as well. It is not recommended to take it as a full time job, though because the income will not be stable enough. Because the requirements are easy, nearly anyone can sign up.
  • People who just lost a job should take this job because you can earn enough money to last you until you find your next full time job.
  • People who need a car can rent a car for UberEATS. This allows you to pay off the rent as well as allow you to use the car for personal use.

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How Can I Keep Track Of My Uber Miles?

If you want to keep track of your miles driven while driving with Uber, there’s two main ways to do so.

The recommended and easiest method is to download a mileage tracking app. This allows you to turn the app on and drive as much as you need to and it will automatically keep a log for you. The second method is the old tried and true method of manually writing your mileage on a piece of paper. Simply write down what the number on the odometer is at the start of your drive, then when you’re finished driving, write down what the end result is. Do some simple math to find the difference to see how much miles you’ve driven during your Uber trips.

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What Are The Benefits Of Renting Cars For Uber?

When you start driving for Uber, you have the choice of either using your own car or renting. Here are some benefits for renting with Uber.

  1. Insurance is included
  2. Unlimited miles are included, a benefit if you are leasing your own car
  3. Mechanical maintenance is included
  4. You aren’t wearing down your own car
  5. If there is a problem with the car, you can return it for a new one
  6. The entire rental is a business expense that you can write off for your taxes
  7. You can try new vehicles to see if you like them over others
  8. Don’t need to worry about damages to your own car
  9. You can use the vehicle for personal use

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