How To Handle A Negative Uber Passenger

While driving for Uber, you may end up with a passenger that you can tell is having a bad day. Here’s some advice on how to handle them.

Whether the person in your car just went through a breakup, lost their job, or any other bad experience, the reasoning doesn’t matter. As long as you can tell that they’re not having a good day, it’s always a good thing for you to be a person that is available to them to talk to.

If a passenger is willing to vent to you, it’s important to hear them out and acknowledge what it is that happened to them. Try to be empathetic and understand what they’re going through and if you can relate to what they’re going through, be sure to tell them your own experiences and what you did to handle it. Whatever you do, however, never tell them what to do, because you do not know them and may not know their whole circumstances. If you tell them what to do, they may not be able to do it themselves or have other reasons to not follow what you say. Telling them what you did is a way to get around that.

The most important things to do are to just be there for them and hopefully you can be the person that makes their day a little better. Stay positive and understanding and you will have done your part.

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