Is The Rating System Fair For Uber Drivers?

Driver rating is important for all Uber drivers because getting below a 4.6 rating means you’re at risk of getting deactivated. Is the system fair?

The system is not fair and there’s a desperate need for improvement. The current rating system is flawed because it is only based on your last 500 trips rather than all your lifetime trips as a whole. This makes your rating more vulnerable to change because any low rating will affect it more than if it used total lifetime trips instead.

The brings in the question of whether passengers should have this much power over drivers because they have the ability to deactivate your account if they do not rate fairly. For example, if someone is having a bad day, they might just rate you 1 star for no reason.

Uber already knows the ratings system needs work and has already made changes to the driver ratings system after people complained about UberPOOL. Examples of changes include adding options where customers can give feedback without affecting the driver’s rating. There is a long way to go to make the driver ratings system fair though.

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