Long VS Short Trips While Driving For Uber

One debate people can have with themselves is whether it is better to accept long trips or short trips. There are benefits and drawbacks for each.

Long trips are the trips that make you the most money because you get paid per mile and per minute. While more money is what you generally want, keep in mind that this also means that you will be stuck with the same passenger(s) for the entire time as well and experiences will differ. You may have a good or a bad passenger, and bad passengers could be a bad thing for you as well as your car if they decide not to respect it. Additionally, since you are doing long trips, the amount of trips you can do in a day decreases. This means you can’t take advantage of Uber promotions that require you to make a certain amount of trips in a certain amount of time for extra money. Long trips might be good for people who want to have consistency and stability with their pay because you know you will get a lot of money every time you do a long trip.

Short trips on the other hand have the potential to make just as much as long trips or even more, but it is very inconsistent and can depend on the extra bonus money from promotions to have a positive profit. Because trips are short, you will meet with many new people and have varying experiences with those passengers as well. More people also means more chances at getting a tip. Short trips might be good for people who are fine with risk because the potential for more money is there. It might also be good for people who like to meet new people.

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