Uber Tipping Available In SF Area

Last month it was announced that in-app tipping was coming soon. It has now arrived in the San Francisco area.

Drivers who choose to accept in-app tips will now be able to receive tips electronically instead of through physical cash. Passengers will get a notification at the end of the ride asking if they would like to tip only if their driver has accepted the option of in-app tipping. Passengers can either tip with the fixed amounts the app shows you or tip a custom amount if it is desired.

To enable in-app tipping for drivers, make sure your Uber Driver app is updated and restart your app. After you restart the app, you will get a pop-up with an “Accept Tips” button. After pressing this button, passengers will now be able to give you in-app tips.

Your tips will all be shown in your trip details, trip history, and weekly summary as well. These tips can also be cashed out instantly with Instant Pay.

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Can You Be Deactivated For Low Acceptance Ratings With Uber?

Your account can be deactivated for having a low Uber driver rating, but can it be deactivated for having a low acceptance rating as well?

Since you are not an employee of Uber but rather an independent contractor working for Uber, you are actually free to do whatever you want in regards to accepting or declining rides. Uber was once sued in the past because they were treating drivers as both employees and independent contractors, choosing to punish some for reasons they shouldn’t have been punishing them for. Your acceptance rate does not matter if you are worried about getting your account deactivated.

Although it is fine to not worry about your acceptance rating so much, keep in mind that if you do want to take advantage of Uber promotions, they usually require a certain acceptance rating to qualify for them. If you want to ensure that you maximize your profits with Uber, you’ll want to keep your acceptance rating relatively high.

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Uber Is Launching Pre-Match And Re-Match At Airports

Uber is launching two new features for the Uber Driver app called Pre-Match and Re-Match which should reduce wait times and congestion airports.


Pre-Match is the “prediction” of the two new features. The feature is meant for drivers who are in the Staging Lot of the airport. How it works is it will attempt to predict when a ride request will occur at the airport terminal. When it predicts that a ride request will occur in a few minutes, it will prompt drivers to drive towards the airport terminals so that they can wait the minimal distance to a ride request and minimize idle time in the Staging Lot.

There may be times when Pre-Match predicts incorrectly and you will end up looping through the airport terminal without any ride requests. Although these times will be rare, if it does happen, go back to the Staging Lot. You will not lose your place in line and you will be prompted again when Pre-Match makes another prediction.


Re-Match is the “keep going” of the two new features. The feature is meant for drivers who just finished an airport dropoff. How it works is after you complete a dropoff at the airport, you must do a loop around the airport road. After doing so, you will not need to return to the Staging Lot and wait in line again. Instead, you will immediately be able to receive another ride request if available.

If there are no ride requests available, you will be prompted to return to the Staging Lot.

With these two new features, wait times will be cut significantly, the staging lot won’t have as many cars waiting, and drivers will be able to be more active and earn more money.

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Should I Talk To My Uber Passenger

There’s a debate over whether you as an Uber driver should talk with your passenger(s) during your trips. Generally it is a good thing to do so.

It is usually good to speak with your passengers because it makes time go by faster. Times flies by when you’re having a good time. You will be able to stand out from other Uber drivers because most Uber drivers do not talk to their passengers. You will be surprised at how much socializing will help your driver rating because the people will look upon you more favorably. The passengers will connect to you more as a person rather than just a driver.  An unwritten rule that Uber drivers have is their responsibility to keep passengers happy and entertained to make their experience as good as possible. Once passengers see you as a person and relatable, they will be easier on you if you ever make a mistake.

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