Who Should Be An UberEATS driver?

If you’re choosing between becoming an Uber driver and an UberEATS driver, which one is a perfect fit for you?

Here are some situations where you would want to be an UberEATS driver:

  • People who don’t want to deal with other people would make good UberEATS drivers because all you need to do is deliver food to customers.
  • People who already have food delivery experience. You’ll feel right at home but you’ll actually have more freedom as well.
  • People who want to drive for both UberX and UberEATS. This will allow you to stay busy for your entire day if you want.
  • People who don’t mind their car getting dirty or smelling like food. Spills can happen and the odor of food can stick.
  • If you’re a student, this is a good part time job because if people cancel their order, you can keep the food for free, which can be helpful especially for younger college students. It will also help pay for your classes.
  • Stay at home parents could use this as a part time job for a similar reason as students. Single income homes may not make enough to live comfortably, and anything extra that you can get is always beneficial.
  • People with full time jobs but still have extra time on their hands can take this as a part time job because it’s simple to do and the requirements to sign up are easy.
  • People who don’t have jobs and could use the money and possibility of free food should take this as a job as well. It is not recommended to take it as a full time job, though because the income will not be stable enough. Because the requirements are easy, nearly anyone can sign up.
  • People who just lost a job should take this job because you can earn enough money to last you until you find your next full time job.
  • People who need a car can rent a car for UberEATS. This allows you to pay off the rent as well as allow you to use the car for personal use.

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How Can I Keep Track Of My Uber Miles?

If you want to keep track of your miles driven while driving with Uber, there’s two main ways to do so.

The recommended and easiest method is to download a mileage tracking app. This allows you to turn the app on and drive as much as you need to and it will automatically keep a log for you. The second method is the old tried and true method of manually writing your mileage on a piece of paper. Simply write down what the number on the odometer is at the start of your drive, then when you’re finished driving, write down what the end result is. Do some simple math to find the difference to see how much miles you’ve driven during your Uber trips.

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What Are The Benefits Of Renting Cars For Uber?

When you start driving for Uber, you have the choice of either using your own car or renting. Here are some benefits for renting with Uber.

  1. Insurance is included
  2. Unlimited miles are included, a benefit if you are leasing your own car
  3. Mechanical maintenance is included
  4. You aren’t wearing down your own car
  5. If there is a problem with the car, you can return it for a new one
  6. The entire rental is a business expense that you can write off for your taxes
  7. You can try new vehicles to see if you like them over others
  8. Don’t need to worry about damages to your own car
  9. You can use the vehicle for personal use

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The Importance Of Managing Stress While Driving For Uber

As people, issues in our lives can occur at any point and cause us stress. Here’s why managing stress is important while driving for Uber.

When you are stressed, you won’t be your usual self, whether you’re aware of it or not. You may not even feel like you’re stressed out but if you’re in a situation that is affecting you, even if you’re not currently dealing with it, it can affect your performance and your personality.

For example, if you’re a student and have an exam in the near future, it might be on your mind the entire day. You might stop thinking about it to do other things but in the back of your mind, you know that you’ll end up having to study and take the exam soon. The stress of it can distract you and cause you to lose focus on what you’re currently doing because your mind might wander towards thinking about the exam at any time.

Stress can affect people in different ways. It can affect you in a simple way like the above example where it will only be a distraction. It can also affect you in a more serious way such as making you more irritable.

No matter how it affects you, though, it will affect your performance while you’re driving for Uber. If you’re driving and get distracted by your thoughts, you might end up spacing out and missing a stop sign, or at the worst, getting into an accident. If the stress is affecting your personality, you might end up taking your feelings out on a passenger. Both situations have a negative effect on the passenger’s experience.

Because stress can be such a big deal, it’s important to take steps to either get rid of the source of the stress, or at the very least minimize the effect of it. Using the above example of the exam, you can’t get rid of the source until you take the exam, but you can minimize the stress by studying and feeling more confident about taking the exam. If you just had a fight with someone, you can try to make up with them or just wait until the negative feelings pass.

If it’s bad enough that you can’t get rid of the stress, it is always a good idea to take a break from driving so that you can focus on your own problems and not risk adding to them if anything happened while you were driving for Uber.

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New Changes To Uber Driver App

The next batch of changes have come out for Uber’s 180 Days of Change campaign, featuring several quality of life features to benefit drivers.

  1. Additional Driver Destinations – The amount of Driver Destinations available to you have increased to 6. Up from the previous 2, this means that you can now pick up and drop off passengers leading to your preferred destinations more often now.
  2. Set arrival times for your Driver Destinations – If you need to be at your Driver Destination at a certain time, you can now set an arrival time so that you can get there without worrying about being in the middle of a trip with a passenger.
  3. Notifications for long trips – If you’re someone who doesn’t want to take long trips, this is a great addition for you. Any trips that will take longer than an estimated 45 minutes will now give you a heads up so that you can skip them easier.
  4. Preference of trip type – If you’re driving for both Uber and UberEATS or thinking about it, you can now easily toggle which service you want to receive requests from if one service is slow or even if you just feel like doing one over the other.
  5. More lenient acceptance rates – Your acceptance rating will now have less of an impact on your eligibility for Uber Quests or your account standing.

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How To Handle A Negative Uber Passenger

While driving for Uber, you may end up with a passenger that you can tell is having a bad day. Here’s some advice on how to handle them.

Whether the person in your car just went through a breakup, lost their job, or any other bad experience, the reasoning doesn’t matter. As long as you can tell that they’re not having a good day, it’s always a good thing for you to be a person that is available to them to talk to.

If a passenger is willing to vent to you, it’s important to hear them out and acknowledge what it is that happened to them. Try to be empathetic and understand what they’re going through and if you can relate to what they’re going through, be sure to tell them your own experiences and what you did to handle it. Whatever you do, however, never tell them what to do, because you do not know them and may not know their whole circumstances. If you tell them what to do, they may not be able to do it themselves or have other reasons to not follow what you say. Telling them what you did is a way to get around that.

The most important things to do are to just be there for them and hopefully you can be the person that makes their day a little better. Stay positive and understanding and you will have done your part.

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How Do You Add Or Update Your Driver’s License With Uber

If you need to add or update your driver’s license with Uber, here are the steps to do so.

  1. Open your Uber App
  2. Go to the ACCOUNTS tab
  3. Press the DOCUMENTS button
  4. Under the DRIVER DOCUMENTS section, press your STATE DRIVER’S LICENSE button
  5. It will ask you for permission to use your camera if you haven’t already accepted.
  6. Take a picture of your driver’s license and it will be automatically uploaded to the app.
  7. Your driver’s license will then be approved after a certain amount of time.

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Uber Makes Your Driver Rating More Fair

As part of Uber’s 180 days of change, Uber is making changes to the driver rating system to make it more fair to drivers.

The way it works is that if a passenger ever rates under 5 stars, they will now be required to provide a reason for their rating. If the reason is out of your control, such as pricing or issues with the GPS, their rating will be removed.

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Uber Now Shows Passenger Location To Driver

Uber has added a new feature to the Driver app that allows drivers to see where their passengers are in real time.

When a passenger requests a ride, a blue rider icon will appear on your map to show where the passenger is in real time so there is never any confusion when it is time for pickup.

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Does Uber Keep Track Of The Miles You Drive?

As an Uber driver, you may want to know if you should keep track of your mileage or if Uber keeps track of it for you.

Uber only tracks the mileage that you do while on a trip. It would be a good idea for you to use a mile tracking app or if you don’t want to use electronics, you can keep a mileage log. If you don’t keep track of your mileage, you will lose out on all your mileage deductions.

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