Category Archives: Uber Driver Advice

How To Get More Tips With Uber

One of the best ways to earn more money is by earning tips. Tips will always vary in size and you can even get very large tips from nice people. The question is, how can you receive a higher frequency of tips?

  1. Have a tip jar if you are an Uber Driver since you don’t have in-app tipping. The tip jar is an ice breaker and speaks for itself so passengers can feel more at ease about talking about it. Put in a few dollars of your own to not only let it be known that it is a tip jar, but also to give an impression that you’re a good enough driver to deserve tips. There are even some tip jars that have a built in charger cables that passengers can use to charge their phones. Make sure the tip jar is clearly labeled and also explain that tipping is not included in the fare, so it is very welcome.
  2. Have a sign explaining the 5 star rating system and why it is important for the driver to maintain a high rating.
  3. Have good amenities such as a wide collection of music, possibly some treats, etc.
  4. Make sure your car interior and exterior is clean and the inside smells good. Atmosphere is an important experience for passengers. Invest in air fresheners that are subtle and not overwhelming to the nose. Make sure sure the car temperature is comfortable for your passenger as well.
  5. Be sociable, many passengers like to be talked with because it makes them feel significant as well as it’ll make them view you more as another person rather than just a “taxi driver”.
  6. Ask customers if there’s a preferable route that they would want to take instead, such as a scenic route or a faster route that they know about.
  7. Be accommodating, passengers may have unexpected emergencies or requests that may require you to go above and beyond the normal amount of work required. Be adaptable to the situation.
  8. If you know the area, give tips and point out nice locations to the customers to get them interested.
  9. Avoid traffic so the passenger doesn’t have to stay with you longer than they want to.
  10. If there’s services such as the Bay Area’s FasTrak that allows you to skip toll booths on bridges, invest in them to save you more time.
  11. If the passenger has luggage, make sure to help them load or unload it. This not only increases your chance of getting a tip, but it also might save your bumper from getting scratched from the luggage if they drag it on your bumper.

Uber Sign Up Bonus – Up To $1,000

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Why Your Uber Passenger’s Riding Experience Is Important

If you want to be a successful Uber driver, one of the most important skills that you should have is ensuring that your passenger enjoys their trip.

Improving the rider’s experience is important because it increases the chances of both you getting a tip as well as them giving you a higher rating. Here are some tips that can improve the passenger’s experience:

  • Control the temperature of the car to suit their comfort
  • Make sure the car interior smells good
  • Make sure the car interior is clean
  • Have a wide variety of music available to suit their tastes
  • Be sociable with them if they don’t mind talking with you
  • Have amenities available for them such as snacks, water, phone chargers, etc.
  • Drive safely and smoothly
  • Avoid high congestion areas if you know where they are on the way to their destination

If you follow these tips, you will definitely be a successful, highly rated Uber driver.

Uber Sign Up Bonus – Up To $1,000

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What Should You Do If Someone Poops In Your Uber Car?

While it sounds silly, a passenger pooping in your Uber vehicle is a situation that can happen. Here are the steps to take should this situation occur.

  1. Rate the passenger 1 star. This will allow you to explain your reasoning and let Uber know about it.
  2. Take multiple pictures of the mess, whether it is only a stain or poop has actually been left on the seat or floor.
  3. Send these pictures to Uber as soon as possible so they are able to assess the situation and compensate you in a timely manner. You will not be able to drive until the mess is completely gone.
  4. Based on how bad the damages are, Uber may pay you more money.
  5. Get your car cleaned at Uber’s partnered service called Spotless First, which has 24/7 cleanups for messes. Spotless First also provides interior and exterior washes if you set up an appointment with them for a $15 introductory rate.

Sometimes, there might be a situation where the damage is so severe that a simple cleanup is unable to get rid of the stain or smell. If this happens, you may need to even replace your car seat. This can be an expensive expense, but not enough to meet Uber’s $1,000 insurance deductible, meaning that you will likely be on your own. If you find out about the mess immediately, make sure you get the passenger’s information so that if a cleanup doesn’t fix the mess completely, you might be able to work something out so that they can pay you for damages. Uber will not give you their information if you ask for it. If they refuse, you may want to take them to court.

Uber Sign Up Bonus – Up To $1,000

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Am I Required To Pick Up Every Uber Passenger?

While driving with Uber, you will get many ride requests, but do you need to accept each one?

You are not required to accept ride requests because you are an independent contractor for Uber. You are your own boss and you can do whatever you want when choosing who you want to pick up. However, ride cancellation is a different story. If you have a high cancellation rate, Uber can deactivate you because it ruins the customer’s experience with Uber.

The only thing that is affected by picking and choosing ride requests is your acceptance rating. Be warned that a low acceptance rating means you will likely not qualify for Uber promotions that can give you extra money like Uber Quests.

Uber Sign Up Bonus – Up To $1,000

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How Uber Guaranteed Bonuses Actually Work

If you see any invite codes that promote guaranteed bonuses up to a certain amount, many people mistake this as extra money you get for completing the requirements.

This is not actually the case. For example, if you see a sign up bonus that says it has a guaranteed bonus of $500 when you complete 30 trips in 30 days, this does not mean you make an extra $500 after completing the 30 trips in 30 days.

How it actually works is the dollar amount that is guaranteed is the dollar amount Uber will pay up to that makes up the difference between what you earned during your trips and whatever the guaranteed bonus was. Using the above example of a guaranteed bonus of $500, if you only made $300 dollars after completing the required 30 trips in 30 days, that means Uber will pay you $200 to make up the difference. If you earn more than the listed guaranteed bonus, such as earning $600, then the guaranteed bonus does not apply anymore.

Uber Sign Up Bonus – Up To $1,000

Uber Referral Invite Code:


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Taking Bathroom Breaks While Driving For Uber

Its inevitable that you will need to use the bathroom while driving for Uber. Have a strategy in place to deal with such situations.

First, try not to drink a lot of fluids. This will speedily fill your bladder. If you need caffeine to get through your schedule, then consider taking Expresso shots or caffeine pills instead. This will minimize the amount of times you need to use the bathroom.

Take advantage of slow times. If things aren’t busy, make sure to relieve yourself, gas up, get food, etc.

At night, it can be difficult to find stores that are open to use their bathrooms. Try to remember all the public bathrooms that you can use in your area.

Gas stations and 24/7 fast food restaurants are the most likely place for 24/7 bathroom access.

If Uber have local offices in your area, that is also a great place to take a break and use their bathrooms. Most likely, their bathrooms will be the best quality out of all the bathrooms you would come across.

Uber Sign Up Bonus – Up To $1,000

Uber Referral Invite Code:


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Sign Up Guarantees vs Additional Bonuses For Uber

When you use someone’s invite code, pay attention to whether the dollar amount shown is a guarantee or an additional bonus.

If it says you are guaranteed a certain amount for signing up with the code, what it means is that Uber will pay the difference between the guaranteed amount and what you actually made by fulfilling the requirements for the guarantee. For example, if it says a guarantee of $1,000 for completing 50 trips in 30 days, that means if you only made $900 in those 50 trips, Uber will pay you $100 to bring you to the guaranteed amount of $1,000. They are guaranteeing that you will end up with at least $1,000 for completing the requirements. If you surpass the $1,000, Uber does not need to pay you at all because you already got more than what was guaranteed.

On the other hand, if a promotion says it will give additional bonuses, whatever the amount shown is actually extra money that you will get on top of whatever you already made from the trips. Using the above example, if it instead said that you will receive an additional bonus of $1,000 for completing 50 trips in 30 days and you made the $900 completing 50 trips in 30 days, you will receive a grand total of $1,900 for completing the requirements as well as what you made on the trips.

Uber Sign Up Bonus – Up To $1,000

Uber Referral Invite Code:


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Is It Necessary To Give Water And Snacks To Uber Passengers?

While driving for Uber, you may have heard tips saying you should give water and snacks to passengers, but is it necessary?

It’s not necessary but it can help you if you’re struggling with ratings. If you are hurting for money, it is perfectly fine to go without water or snacks. As long as your communication skills are good and you keep the rider experience great, you should come out with a good rating in the end anyway. If you do end up buying water or snacks for your Uber car, remember that it is a business expense and can be written off on your taxes at the end of the year.

Uber Sign Up Bonus – Up To $1,000

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How Do You Avoid UberPOOL Trips?

If you don’t want to accept UberPOOL trips due to the lack of money it provides, there’s a couple of tricks that you can do to avoid them altogether.

What you want to do is if you find out that you have an UberPOOL request, you can just completely ignore it. This will have an impact on your acceptance rating but Uber cannot deactive your account for skipping these requests. If you skip 3 requests in a row, however, your account will go offline for about 10 minutes. If this happens, you’re free to use any other rideshare service to pass the time.  Another downside to this is a low acceptance rating will disqualify you for Uber promotions such as Uber Quests.

If you care about your acceptance rating, there are two trick to accept an UberPOOL trip but treat it like a regular UberX trip. The first thing that you can do is to go offline after you accept the trip, so you only pick up one passenger and take them to their destination. The other thing you can do is to press the stop new requests button for the same reason. It will basically be like a regular UberX trip except you earn the lower rates of UberPOOL.

Uber Sign Up Bonus – Up To $1,000

Uber Referral Invite Code:


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Why Are Uber Invite Codes Important For New Drivers?

If you are a new Uber driver or thinking about becoming one, taking advantage of an Uber invite code is one of the most important things you should do.

When you use an invite code, you have the potential to earn more money while driving for a lesser amount of time. For example, if you don’t use an invite code, you might spend 20 days doing 50 trips of varying lengths to earn $1,000. However, if you used an invite code with a guaranteed bonus of $1,000 and it required 50 trips to earn it, you could just do 50 exclusively short trips in 5-10 days instead and get the $1,000 instead.

If you didn’t use an invite code, you can still take advantage of one as long as it hasn’t been 15 days since you’ve been approved.

Click here for instructions if you didn’t use an invite code but want to take advantage of it

Uber Sign Up Bonus – Up To $1,000

Uber Referral Invite Code:


Uber Sign Up Bonus URL:

Click here to claim your Uber sign up bonus